
Sunday, May 5, 2013

My first draft of a mind map

So I came across the term 'mind mapping' from the creativity class on-line by Stanford University.
It's an approach that I believe is going to help me put a lot of things into perspective. I therefore tried my first draft of a mind map on campus and came out with the diagram below: The above diagram was creatred using the online software from Mind42.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Confession in Java

   1:  Public class Confession
   2:             {
   3:               public static void main (Strings[] args)
   4:                   {
   5:                     sin[] occurrence   = new sin[∞];
   6:                     for(flaw=0; flaw<sin.length; flaw++)
   7:                      {
   8:                      System.out.println ("Dear God, my occurrence[flaw] are ever before me."+
   9:                                          "I am sorry for hurting You. Please forgive me " +
  10:                                           "and draw me close to You. Amen.") 
  11:                      }
  12:                    }
  13:              }