
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, August 1, 2014

God's Supermodels

As Christians, we need to remember that God's perfect love is not only for our benefit.
A model wears clothing to attract attention to the designer's creativity. The model displays the designer's work, but the designer's reputation, not the model's, is on the line.
In the same way, as Christians, we model God's love, whether or not we realise it. People watch us, and what they see affects God's reputation for loving His creation. If we claim to follow Christ then wear the world's twisted style of love, we drag the name and character of our Lord in the dirt.
For this reason, we must ask ourselves, "Am I modeling the love of Christ? Do my motivations and actions in this relationship reflect the perfect love God has shown me?"
How would you answer those questions right now?

Excerpt from Joshua Harris' book, I Kissed Dating Goodbye.

Friday, January 3, 2014

God, the image processor

You may have seen a similar picture/illustration to the one above. Inasmuch as it is true, I believe that of God is even ‘crazier’ and mysterious than one can ever fathom.
In an image processing class, this became evident to me. When one zooms in on a perfect picture, the pixels (picture elements) look out of place. It shows one really how the picture looks, and not the ‘perfect’ one, we are accustomed to seeing.
God indeed does take our shortcomings and make perfect, lovable beings out of us.
I pray this year sees God’s favour remains with all of us, and that He strengthens us to achieve our goals for the year and beyond.
A blessed NewYear to you all.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Why be ungrateful?

When I tell my friends that I feel -- I know -- I insult God any time I complain about where I wish I was in life, and how 'fucked up' my life is, they seldom get it.
I have been blessed with a lot of opportunities, and have had the pleasure of meeting angels on earth. My sweetest taboo is one of such earth angels.
You see, most folks don't have it 'as easy' as I do. An example is the mother of eight I just met in Adum,  Kumasi. She's been walking through town since morning, begging for alms. Her last two kids are with her -- under the scorching sun.
I asked where her husband is and she says the father of her first four children is dead. The father of the 2nd set of four has refused to look after the children.
I then asked why she is not farming, and if there was a piece of land she could farm on. Apparently, her uncle has sold the land she could have farmed on!
I know there's more I could do to help her, but I couldn't.
One thing for sure though is that, the image of her and her kids would pay in my mind for some weeks to come.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Confession in Java

   1:  Public class Confession
   2:             {
   3:               public static void main (Strings[] args)
   4:                   {
   5:                     sin[] occurrence   = new sin[∞];
   6:                     for(flaw=0; flaw<sin.length; flaw++)
   7:                      {
   8:                      System.out.println ("Dear God, my occurrence[flaw] are ever before me."+
   9:                                          "I am sorry for hurting You. Please forgive me " +
  10:                                           "and draw me close to You. Amen.") 
  11:                      }
  12:                    }
  13:              }

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Ideal Man

Yesterday, I stumbled on a video of Dr. Myles Munroe, in which he outlined and explained 5 characteristics of the Ideal man.

The Ideal man needs to:

  1. Be in the presence of God
  2. Have a job
  3. Be able to cultivate (i.e. bring out the best in everything around him)
  4. Be able and ready to protect (his wife)
  5. Share the knowledge in the WORD of God, with his wife (and family)

Here is the video:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

He indeed keeps His covenant

All through Sunday school, I've trusted in God -- sometimes only in thought and words, but not with a full conviction within my heart.
All the same, this 'trust' has always saved me from situations, granted me some requests, and fulfilled some promises from God.
A couple of days ago, I was faced with a situation that almost threw me off my urge and left me in a dilemma.
Calmly, I spoke to God (the way I know how to) -- and he saved me.
He's kept His part of the bargain. l now have to keep mine.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thinking Aloud

Growing up, I have always tried to be a good dude -- sometimes I have been successful; other times, not so successful. I am a product of my environment, I guess...

As everybody does, I have formulated my own principles along the way. These are solely to guide my ways and strengthen me, while differentiating me from others. Trust me, it's not so easy sticking to principles -- especially if you are free-spirited. Do circumstances direct our actions? Sometimes, they do (so I think).
I have been in certain situations that have made me take actions that defeat my principles -- and I felt really bad. It is moments like this that make me remember the saying, "Never Say Never."

But then, after assessing the situation again, I seem to understand why things had to go the way they did. My perceptions change, I gain a renewed insight, and my sensitive nature deepens.
"In all things, give thanks to God", so says the Good Book.

I guess all I am saying is that, we are not perfect as humans -- but it is no excuse to continue doing wrong.
Make a mistake -- by all means make a mistake -- but learn from it to help yourself and others!
People might see you as a saint -- if only they knew your imperfections! But hey, don't let it get to you. Live your life and perhaps add this principle of mine to yours: "Always try to be at peace with God, your neighbour and yourself".

All is well and Stay Blessed.