
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Keeping a pre-paid heart

He loves her with every fibre in him; yet he is keeping a pre-paid heart.
He eagerly awaits her love to recharge his -- which is at her beck and call.

She says she wants to love him.
To recharge his love.
He acquiesces, and gives her his love.
Then he 'runs' out of love.
His heart is back in pre-paid mode.

He loves her with every fibre in him; yet he is keeping a pre-paid heart.
He eagerly awaits her love to recharge his -- which is at her beck and call.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Marriage has no spare parts...

Over the weekend, I attended the wedding of my friends in Bolgatanga (Upper East region of Ghana). It was my first time in that town, and I am looking forward to visiting it again.

Usually, I daydream -- a bit -- during the ceremony, but this year I decided to ACTUALLY capture some quotes from the homily (as they would come in handy soon).

Some sights captured by my phone have been shared in this post
This post is just to share some of the quotes.

"Every perfect gift comes from God!" Therefore see your marriage as a gift from God.
"Whatever you will do to enjoy THIS marriage, DO it!" This reminds me of one of my favourite songs by Ne-Yo, Make it Work.
Men, know this: "Women are like eggs. Handle them with care!"
"Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everybody is doing it". Be unique in whatever you do in your marriage. If you copy what people did and failed, you will also fail. "Live your lives such that celibates would regret for not marrying".
"Woman, be submissive!"

Marriage runs on two compulsory pillars: Prayer and the Word of God. "A true man is a man of prayer."
"The scripture is like medicine, until you take it, u won't know it's efficacy."
"God won't start anything He can't complete, unless we don't cooperate."
Then a friend also shared this, " When your wife (or husband) gets on your nerves, do not over react. Think twice and remember all the people who made time and spent money to witness your union. If you think you can disrespect those faces, then go ahead and misbehave...
... and eerrrmmm, as a man always make sure there's adult music in the background. That's all!

Some Bible quotations for reflections
Colossians 3:12
1st Corinthians 13
John 15:5
Ecclesiastes 3:14
Matthew 7
James 1


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Bolgatanga, through my phone's lenses

Church bells at the Bolgatanga Cathedral
Monument marking the 100th anniversary of the diocese
The Bolgatanga Catholic Cathedral from a distance
Ramsey Sports stadium
Some Pajeros parked outside a church

EPL fixtures at the Black Star hotel
Party time, no?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fuschia -- Clothing & Crafts

In an earlier post, I commented on how Ghanaians have taken to Ghanaian fabrics being used to create crafts such as handbags, wallets, purses, shoes, and of course, great dresses for every occasion.
A number of innovative individuals are really doing a lot in this area.
You can check out Trends and Blends who writes exclusively on fashion.
A lady who is doing a lot in this fashion innovation crusade is Abena Woode of Fuschia Ghana. She is based in Kumasi. As the Innovation Director of Fuschia, she's always on the look out for what steps to take to improve the services and customer satisfaction, Fuschia delivers.

Do check out Fuschia's Facebook page, like it and hold your breath for a surprise this festive season.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Why be ungrateful?

When I tell my friends that I feel -- I know -- I insult God any time I complain about where I wish I was in life, and how 'fucked up' my life is, they seldom get it.
I have been blessed with a lot of opportunities, and have had the pleasure of meeting angels on earth. My sweetest taboo is one of such earth angels.
You see, most folks don't have it 'as easy' as I do. An example is the mother of eight I just met in Adum,  Kumasi. She's been walking through town since morning, begging for alms. Her last two kids are with her -- under the scorching sun.
I asked where her husband is and she says the father of her first four children is dead. The father of the 2nd set of four has refused to look after the children.
I then asked why she is not farming, and if there was a piece of land she could farm on. Apparently, her uncle has sold the land she could have farmed on!
I know there's more I could do to help her, but I couldn't.
One thing for sure though is that, the image of her and her kids would pay in my mind for some weeks to come.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The TWEBA1D hangover

The guys were not very happy about how the exams went. The course was one that they would have loved more, had the lecturer used a 'concept-understanding' approach.
They decided to get over their disappointment and hang out -- joy in brotherhood. They went to a spot by their hostel and communicated with some bottles.
Not satisfied, they decided to go all out and hangout for the remainder of the day, after all, "yɛ bɛ wo nti, yɛ nda?"

All plans to study for the Electronics & Microprocessors paper (due the following day) were cancelled.

Their next stop was another spot. The guys shared stories and discussed issues that were important to them. After about 3 hours, the guys were on the move again.

Their final spot was one that was considered 'family'. The guys did not only drink, but had grasscutter soup as well. They stayed till about 10:30 pm -- just chatting  and sharing future aspirations.

Instead of going home, they passed by a girls' hostel to 'make noise'.  They sang most of their favourite 'jama' songs.

Finally, they went home.

The following morning, most of the guys had hangovers. 'sia!
The paper was at 2pm and so they went to campus, and began to revise their notes. They used approximately 2 hiurs to do that -- 10am to 12: 20pm.

What really is amazing about these guys is that they ALL passed the paper, inspite of their hangover.

Today, they are all working towards their dreams, and are succesful at what they currently do.
The brothers are there for one another, and this extends to all their acquaintances. This brotherhood is for life!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A great metaphor – HTW Empowerment beads

Since Ghana’s Heel The World Shoes introduced their trademark Empowerment beads, it has become a fashion statement (especially) amongst the youth.
I am no different.

My current HTW bead (with 2 REWARDS!)

But underlying this fashion piece is a world-related metaphor some of you (my readers – and fellow youth) might have missed. No juju (voodoo) issues here o!
The ornament is made up of black beads and a gold bead. The black beads represent the trials, disappointments, failures, and all the ‘negative’ challenges one goes through in life. Then comes the gold bead to remind you not to give up – your REWARD is in sight! It’s just as the Bible puts it in Hebrews 10:35 – 36.

My sketch of the metaphor

So whenever you put on the HTW Empowerment bead, be encouraged and cheerful, because your reward after all the b******t you encounter, is in sight.
Some of you may have personal metaphors you identify with, when you wear the HTW empowerment bead. Kindly share them via comments on this post. Thanks
Be fashionable in your own simple way.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Desert trailers

"This country is really going to face harder times ahead, if care is not taken. Hmm". So says a cosmo jet (tro-tro) driver I encountered earlier today.
He made this comment with respect to the recent increase in fuel prices. He then recountered how he had travelled abroad for greener pastures, but returned with virtually nothing.
He is a Lybia returnee.
I was fascinated and engaged him in a discussion, so he shared his experience with me.
He told me of how they had to pay 'connection' men along the route taken from Ghana, through Niger and Chad, and finally entering Lybia. These 'connection' men helped them withbtransport by finding drivers/vehicles for them. These vehicles were a lot more comfortable than the ones they had to travel on when they got to Chad.
From Chad, they are packed in a Nissan/Toyota patrol (pickup) -- thirty-five people! This gave tgem swollen feet when they reached theur next transit point.
"If you get a good driver, he fills his petrol gallon with water for you to drink. You don't drink much o, just the equivalent of the gallon's cover. You feel a sharp burning sensation in your chest. Massa, it is not easy o", he says.
I asked how come most  people die on the way. I was shocked when he said some (bad) drivers can leave their passengers in the desert. (No comment)
I was so intrigued by the conversation, I passed my stop -- almost did. Hehe
But I am thankful for the opportunity to learn first-hand what our brothers and sisters go through to seek comfort for themselves and their families back home.

I pray I run into a returnee from 'Panya' (Spain). I understand they travel on balloons at sea (from Morocco?).

Friday, July 12, 2013

Black or White? (Volume 1)

Two friends - a black and a white sat down at lunch one day and began to iron out some differences between them.

White: As a leader, I serve my people
Black: Well, as a leader, my people serve me

White: When i want a new house, I buy it on mortgage
Black: Hahaha! I don't know any mortgage crap. If the house is up for $36,000. Hell, I'll pay the full amount and take MY house

White:I like to be remembered for helping a cause. A good name is better than riches, you know
Black: That's you. I'll like to benefit from the cause first, the rest is secondary

White: My funerals are solemn and organised.
Black: Well, mine is a big celebration. Very expensive and flamboyant. You are invited to my next one

White: My organisations lay more emphasis on Human Resource Management. Your employee's welfare first, the profits roll in afterwards
Black: You can't be serious, are you? An employee's duty is to work, when there's a problem, it's the fault of the employee. When there's success, management takes the credit.

White: Wow, you are something else. I've got to go. See you at dinner.
Black: But you forgot to finish your plate, anyway I'll clear it for you. Hope dinner would be a heavy meal.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Selecting an accounting software (or a spouse)

"A company selecting an accounting software is akin to an individual choosing a spouse. One wants a faithful (accurate) helpmate who grows with him/her (capable of being scaled up). One wants someone he/she can treasure through sickness (financial loss) and in health (profitable growth). One wants the candidate to be capable of intimacy (keep confidences), yet be open to recognising his/her faults (an audit function to find and fix errors). And most importantly, one wants the relationship to be long-lasting without the need for expensive and debilitating upgrades."   ~ Jones (2002)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Ideal Man

Yesterday, I stumbled on a video of Dr. Myles Munroe, in which he outlined and explained 5 characteristics of the Ideal man.

The Ideal man needs to:

  1. Be in the presence of God
  2. Have a job
  3. Be able to cultivate (i.e. bring out the best in everything around him)
  4. Be able and ready to protect (his wife)
  5. Share the knowledge in the WORD of God, with his wife (and family)

Here is the video: