
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Ideal Man

Yesterday, I stumbled on a video of Dr. Myles Munroe, in which he outlined and explained 5 characteristics of the Ideal man.

The Ideal man needs to:

  1. Be in the presence of God
  2. Have a job
  3. Be able to cultivate (i.e. bring out the best in everything around him)
  4. Be able and ready to protect (his wife)
  5. Share the knowledge in the WORD of God, with his wife (and family)

Here is the video:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What is the cost of student life in Ghana?

An important factor students consider in their choice of location for study is the cost of living. What at all influences the cost of living? How much do students spend per month in our institutions?
If you are an undergraduate student in Ghana, please spend a couple of your minutes to take the survey below. Thanks

Do watch this space for an infographic of the results.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Priest for Self or Priest for Christ?

As a young boy, he was attracted to the priesthood. The reverence that came with it, and the cars the priests rode in. He had seen old women who couldn't walk, 'crawl' to greet young priests.
"These folks wield a lot of power", he said to himself. Invincible creatures.
But then he thought to himself, "Am I going to be a priest for self, or a priest for Christ?
A priest for self is the individual who enters the priesthood because of personal gains, or because people tell him, the 'profession' fits him.
A priest for Christ, on the other hand, is an individual with a burning passion for God's kingdom. He seeks to win souls while he works in the Lord's vineyard. This individual had a call from God.
The priest for self had no call  from God, but wants to be part of His workforce regardless.
He's still contemplating which of these personas to choose.