
Friday, July 12, 2013

Rivalry among telcos killing courtesy?

Yesterday, a couple of my friends and I had to trim a Vodafone SIM card so it could be slotted into a new smartphone. The phone was delivered to us at a location closer to Ridge, and so we decided to visit the MTNcenter (that shares the same building with the Fidelity Bank's Head Office).

That was our mistake.

I approached a lady and asked if the service could be rendered. She asked for the SIM card, took it, and asked that I wait a bit (as the guy who would 'cut' the SIM was attending to a client).
Some seconds later, the guy asked to see the SIM card, whispered, "Vodafone!", and said, "No, I can't help you."

I was shocked.

I thought to myself, "Is this how fierce (and pedantry) the rivalry between the telcos is?" Especially between MTN and Vodafone!. Hmm.

I thanked the guy -- and lady -- and walked out of the building. No long tin.

Consider this scenario:
You are at the Tema (Community 2) SSNIT office, and suddenly you fall ill -- or need medical attention. Should the SSNIT Clinic below the office say because you are not a staff (or relation of one) of SSNIT, they won't treat you?

I understand the service is free. So can't they have a service fee for all those who are not subscribers of MTN, but request for the service? They can. Everybody wins that way, no?

To think that I even purchased their Huawei Ascend Y210 android phone -- which I decoded of course. But I bought it just because of the courtesy with which a  marketing officer of theirs advertised the phone.

This experience brings to mind the banana seller in front of the Bank of Ghana, who refused to sell her ground nuts to me because I already had some bananas on me.

As for me I won't argue o. I only take my 'troubles' away.

Sunyani's Hanukah Children's Home

I paid my second visit to the Hanukah Children's Home in Sunyani. Located in a serene atmosphere, it is home to a number of orphans. These cheerful (yes cheerful) children are a delight to behold.

The older ones were out -- in school -- when I visited (on both occasions). The younger ones warm my heart. The way they run to a visitor, while asking what you brought for them, trying to help you carry your donation -- and best of all -- blessing you throughout your visit.

"Nyame nhyira wo o"  (God bless you), is all they say.

My main reason for writing this post is to sort of tell folks out there (and especially in the Brong Ahafo Region) to do their best to reach out and help these children, and their guardians.
I will do a better advertisement for them when I am allowed to -- officiailly.
I couldn't take pictures because it is not allowed (without permission).

Till then, let's strive to be our brothers' keepers.

Black or White? (Volume 1)

Two friends - a black and a white sat down at lunch one day and began to iron out some differences between them.

White: As a leader, I serve my people
Black: Well, as a leader, my people serve me

White: When i want a new house, I buy it on mortgage
Black: Hahaha! I don't know any mortgage crap. If the house is up for $36,000. Hell, I'll pay the full amount and take MY house

White:I like to be remembered for helping a cause. A good name is better than riches, you know
Black: That's you. I'll like to benefit from the cause first, the rest is secondary

White: My funerals are solemn and organised.
Black: Well, mine is a big celebration. Very expensive and flamboyant. You are invited to my next one

White: My organisations lay more emphasis on Human Resource Management. Your employee's welfare first, the profits roll in afterwards
Black: You can't be serious, are you? An employee's duty is to work, when there's a problem, it's the fault of the employee. When there's success, management takes the credit.

White: Wow, you are something else. I've got to go. See you at dinner.
Black: But you forgot to finish your plate, anyway I'll clear it for you. Hope dinner would be a heavy meal.